As novidades do Boonzi

e artigos que ajudam a poupar (muito) dinheiro

What is Boonzi?

Catarina Alves de Sousa | 24 June, 2015

FAQs Most Common

Boonzi is a personal finance management app that helps you keep your money under control and manage your monthly budget. In a simple and quick way, Boonzi allows any person or family to manage: Their Financial Situation: know in detail and at any… Ler mais

Beginner tutorial step by step

Catarina Alves de Sousa | 21 July, 2015

FAQs Most Common

Este guia foi criado para ajudá-lo a dar os primeiros passos no para que comece rapidamente a controlar a sua vida financeira ao cêntimo e a planear o seu futuro financeiro. Antes de começar a ler o guia,… Ler mais

Does Boonzi work offline?

Catarina Alves de Sousa | 17 June, 2015

FAQs Most Common

Yes. You can work in your computer whether or not it is connected to the internet. However, when offline you won’t receive: Automatic updates Currency exchange rates (when inserting transactions in other… Ler mais

Can I use Boonzi for free?

Catarina Alves de Sousa | 8 October, 2015

FAQs Most Common

To get access to Boonzi’s free version you’ll need to download and complete the 30 day trial which is completely free and without any feature restriction. After those 30 days if you don’t wish… Ler mais

How much does Boonzi cost?

Catarina Alves de Sousa | 26 June, 2015

FAQs Most Common

There are three types of Boonzi licenses, each one aimed at different needs of usage. 1. Boonzi Premium license Boonzi Premium is a service designed specifically so you and your family can manage… Ler mais

Any keyboard shortcuts and tips?

Catarina Alves de Sousa | 17 June, 2015

FAQs Most Common

Boonzi has several keyboard shortcuts to make you more productive, saving you time. To see all the available shortcuts, at a given time, just hold the Ctrl key. To navigate through the application you can use the… Ler mais