To get access to Boonzi’s free version you’ll need to download and complete the 30 day trial which is completely free and without any feature restriction.

After those 30 days if you don’t wish to purchase a license you can still use Boonzi, which will then revert to Boonzi Free.
Boonzi Free is – as its name suggests – a free version of Boonzi that (naturally) lacks a few features that are exclusive of Boonzi Premium, such as the synchronization feature.

Besides that, Boonzi Free will also show a few ads from our partners and will only allow you to import 20 transactions per day, although you can manually insert as many as you like.

To get access to Boonzi Free, please download the trial here.

If, after that, you wish to upgrade to Boonzi Premium you may do so whenever you like.


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