Can I have multiple categories in a transaction?
FAQs TransactionsYes, sometimes you may need to categorize a transaction with multiple categories. Example: When you go to a gas station to fill the tank but also end up buying a newspaper. The payee could be “BP”… Ler mais
I have inserted a transaction with a transfer between accounts but my balance did not change
FAQs Account and transfers managementThis can happen because on the accounts box on the main menu you have selected both the source and destination accounts, so you are looking at the combined balance of both accounts. If you deselect one of those… Ler mais
How can I see the monthly average of a category?
FAQs ReportsIn the cashflow report you can see, in detail, all of your financial map – expenses, income, transfers -, including the totals and averages of all the monthly income and expenses by… Ler mais
I lost my password. What do I do now?
FAQs Security ProfileIf you protected your Boonzi profile with a password and have lost or forgotten it unfortunately you will not be able to recover it. Make sure therefore that you store your password in a safe place where you… Ler mais
In the last step of the import wizard, some transactions show a wrong amount of 0€
FAQs Importing transactionsThis happens when your bank uses two columns to represent the amount of the transaction, one for Income and another for Outcome and you haven’t specified correctly these columns in the previous step. Return… Ler mais
Why can’t I delete a certain account?
FAQs Account and transfers managementWhen you delete an account all of the transactions associated with it will also be deleted, losing all the history for that account. This is the natural and expected action. There is however an exception. If you delete… Ler mais
I inserted a budget and now I don’t know how to edit or delete it
FAQs BudgetsTo edit a budget simply click “Edit” under the month you wish to edit. This option allows you to change, reset and clear the limits by category. If you want to “clear” any budget and start over, just to choose the… Ler mais
How can I attach files to a transaction?
FAQs TransactionsTo attach files to a transaction, simply drag and drop the file(s) you want to attach to the files box. The files will be stored in a folder that will be created in the… Ler mais
Where are the transaction attachment files stored?
FAQs TransactionsWhen you attach a file to a transaction for the first time, Boonzi automatically creates a new folder next to your profile file. This new folder will have the same name as your profile name. i.e: If your… Ler mais
What is the checkbox on the accounts box in the main menu for?
FAQs Account and transfers managementBoonzi has a unique feature that allows you to visualize configurable multi-account statements and reports. This is, if you have, for example, 3 accounts you can, at a given time, opt to see the integrated statements of those… Ler mais