As novidades do Boonzi

e artigos que ajudam a poupar (muito) dinheiro

Should I budget all my acounts?

Catarina Alves de Sousa | 28 August, 2015

FAQs Budgets

Budgets are highly effective for managing your net worth, which means that you should include in your budgets all accounts that receive money you can use on a daily basis, whenever you need. In your budgets you should include: Working… Ler mais

How can I manage the family budget as a team?

Catarina Alves de Sousa | 7 July, 2015


In order to manage your household budget as a whole, simply that all use the same license and the same profile file on all computers and / or devices where you installed Boonzi. The restaurant gave us an answer, though not… Ler mais