Should I budget all my acounts?
FAQs BudgetsBudgets are highly effective for managing your net worth, which means that you should include in your budgets all accounts that receive money you can use on a daily basis, whenever you need. In your budgets you should include: Working… Ler mais
Is it possible to change to start and end date of the budgeted month?
FAQs BudgetsBoonzi does not allow altering the start date of the month. Not only due to technical reasons, but also because by doing that the user will be following an inadvisable budget management strategy which is commonly called “living… Ler mais
I inserted a budget and now I don’t know how to edit or delete it
FAQs BudgetsTo edit a budget simply click “Edit” under the month you wish to edit. This option allows you to change, reset and clear the limits by category. If you want to “clear” any budget and start over, just to choose the… Ler mais
How can I manage the family budget as a team?
BudgetsIn order to manage your household budget as a whole, simply that all use the same license and the same profile file on all computers and / or devices where you installed Boonzi. The restaurant gave us an answer, though not… Ler mais