As novidades do Boonzi

e artigos que ajudam a poupar (muito) dinheiro

How can I synchronize data between computers?

Catarina Alves de Sousa | 30 June, 2015

FAQs Synchronize

To synchronize your data between multiple computers or smartphones, you will need a Boonzi Premium license. Boonzi Premium is a service designed for you to manage your finances from any location. To use Boonzi Premium, simply click Configuration,… Ler mais

What is Boonzi?

Catarina Alves de Sousa | 24 June, 2015

FAQs Most Common

Boonzi is a personal finance management app that helps you keep your money under control and manage your monthly budget. In a simple and quick way, Boonzi allows any person or family to manage: Their Financial Situation: know in detail and at any… Ler mais

My license key became invalid unexpectedly

Catarina Alves de Sousa | 16 October, 2015

FAQs License

Make sure: You haven’t activated Boonzi with your license key in more than 3 computers (if you have Boonzi Desktop) or 10 computers and mobile devices (if you have Boonzi premium). You haven’t supplied your license key to… Ler mais

Beginner tutorial step by step

Catarina Alves de Sousa | 21 July, 2015

FAQs Most Common

Este guia foi criado para ajudá-lo a dar os primeiros passos no para que comece rapidamente a controlar a sua vida financeira ao cêntimo e a planear o seu futuro financeiro. Antes de começar a ler o guia,… Ler mais

Should I budget all my acounts?

Catarina Alves de Sousa | 28 August, 2015

FAQs Budgets

Budgets are highly effective for managing your net worth, which means that you should include in your budgets all accounts that receive money you can use on a daily basis, whenever you need. In your budgets you should include: Working… Ler mais