As novidades do Boonzi

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Can I create automatic transactions?

Catarina Alves de Sousa | 17 June, 2015

FAQs Transactions

Yes! Since version 1.5 Boonzi assumed a Transaction Scheduling option by creating a reminder on “Agenda”. To create an automatic transaction, go to Agenda. Then click Create reminder or Ctrl + N to create a… Ler mais

I can mark transactions with colors?

Catarina Alves de Sousa | 17 June, 2015

FAQs Transactions

Yes. Beside each transaction – on the Transactions screen- appears a small rectangle. By placing the mouse on top of this rectangle, a list of colors appears and you can choose to mark the transaction. The functionality of… Ler mais

How can I find a transaction?

Catarina Alves de Sousa | 15 June, 2015

FAQs Transactions

On the “Transactions” screen there is a search box on the bottom that allows you to search, almost instantly, for any transaction. The search engine will search on all of the transactions data. You… Ler mais