As novidades do Boonzi

e artigos que ajudam a poupar (muito) dinheiro

Can I print reports?

Catarina Alves de Sousa | 8 June, 2015

FAQs Reports

Yes. To print reports, including cashflow, you should first export to PDF and then print as you would any other PDF file. Ler mais

Can I get my reports in PDF?

Catarina Alves de Sousa | 8 June, 2015

FAQs Reports

Yes. All reports, including cashflow, can be exported to PDF. To do so, simply look for the PDF export button on the bottom right of the screen.. Ler mais

Can I get my reports into Excel?

Catarina Alves de Sousa | 8 June, 2015

FAQs Reports

Yes. All reports, including cashflow, can be exported to Excel using the CSV format. To do so, simply look for the CSV export button on the bottom right of the screen. Afterwards you just need to… Ler mais