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How can I create a payee?

Catarina Alves de Sousa | 17 June, 2015

FAQs Categories and payees

You can create a payee by using one of the following ways: When importing your bank statements you can write the payee name. This will create a payee if it doesn’t exist. While inserting or editing a transaction… Ler mais

How can I manage term accounts?

Catarina Alves de Sousa | 17 June, 2015

FAQs Cash, credit and other accounts

A term account is typically an account that doesn’t require much management. Usually, part of you checkings account balance is transfered to the term application (term deposit). So it’s basically an account you shouldn’t move. When the deposit… Ler mais

How can I find a transaction?

Catarina Alves de Sousa | 15 June, 2015

FAQs Transactions

On the “Transactions” screen there is a search box on the bottom that allows you to search, almost instantly, for any transaction. The search engine will search on all of the transactions data. You… Ler mais