If you deleted something and regretted it later or if you made a mistake you wish you could take back, there is always a way to do it. All you need is to open a backup of your profile previous to the date and time at which you made the change you now wish to undo.

By default, the Boonzi always writes automatic backups locally (on your computer), unless you turn this option off on purposely ( Configuration > Profile > Backup automatically).

Some warnings BEFORE opening the backup:

You can retrieve your Cloud from a backup. However, we leave some warnings to ensure that the recovery is done successfully:

  1. Avoid opening Boonzi except to recover the backups. We recommend this because every time you open Boonzi it creates a new backup and deletes the oldest. And what we want is to keep the oldest backup file with valid data to recover.
  2. If the automatic synchronization is turned on, turn it off before starting the recovery (Configuration > Profile > Synchronization )
  3. During recuperation do * not * synchronize the data with the Cloud, otherwise you can “damage” the backup (ie you will get the data from the Cloud, not from the backup)
  4. Prior to recovery, and open Boonzi and backup all your backups. That is, copy all the backup files to another folder, in the event of being necessary.

Step 1: Find the best backup

  1. Turn off automatic synchronization option in Configuration > Profile > Synchronization
  2. Go to Configuration > Profile and see where the backups are saved (you can see this on Configuration > Profile > Backup automatically)
  3. On Configuration > Profile click on Switch profile and choose “Open profile in another folder”
  4. Locate the folder that you saw in point 2 and open one of the backups (check the date of the files)
  5. After opening do not synchronize
  6. Analyze the data to see if it’s correct and if this is the backup that you’d like to recover
  7. If so, skip to Step 2. Otherwise, try the next backup until you find the right backup.

Step 2: Reset the profile in your Cloud from a backup

  1. After you’ve identified the best Backup to recover your data from, go to Configuration > Synchronize, and then click Manage your profiles
  2. Click on the red small cross to delete your profile from the Cloud, so you can replace with your local profile. * Only do this operation after you make sure that your local backup is ok. After removing the online profile, you can not get it back *
  3. Once deleted you can send your local profile to the Cloud in the same menu (Settings> Synchronize)


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